Early childhood education
Early childhood education is organised in Enontekiö as follows:
- Riekko nursery in Hetta
- Group family day care home Touhula in Karesuvanto
- Karesuando Sámi-language preschool in Lávvu (purchased service)
- Group family day care home Saana in Kilpisjärvi
Early childhood education fees
Early childhood education is a paid service. The fee is determined by the family's gross income.
Child home care allowance and municipal supplement
Families can choose child home care as an alternative to municipal daycare. Home care allowance is paid to a parent who stays at home to care for their child after the parental allowance period or when the child is under three years old. The municipality of Enontekiö pays a municipal supplement to the home care allowance.
The municipal supplement is applied for from KELA (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland) when applying for the child home care allowance.
More information
Enontekiön virastotalo
Päiväkoti Riekko
0400 788 210
040 771 1654
040 124 2462