Building inspection

Building inspection is an official activity that aims to ensure the creation of a safe, healthy, and pleasant living environment. Construction is governed by the Building and Land Use act and decree in addition to town and detailed shore plans and legally relevant general plans.

If you are planning construction, repair, or other measures, contact the building inspection authority as early as possible. The building inspection authority clarifies the permit requirements for construction projects and processes the permits required for construction, demolition, and landscape-altering activities.

A permit is granted if all its conditions are met. If the project deviates from the regulations or provisions, it may require a derogation permit before a building permit is granted.

Apply for a building permit from the municipality's building inspection authority who also provides advice on the matter.

A building permit can be applied for by the building site holder, who can be the owner, a person authorised by the owner, or a person who has control over the building site on the basis of a lease or other agreement.

As a rule, neighbours must be notified of the initiation of a building permit application. A neighbour refers to the owner and holder of an adjacent or opposite property or other area. At the same time, the initiation of the matter must also be notified in a suitable manner at the building site. Notification to neighbours may be omitted if the project is minor or the impact of the project is not significant for the neighbour. The need for neighbour consultation is assessed by the building inspection authority.

A building permit is applied for electronically through the Lupapiste service. Site manager applications and notifications must also be applied for through the Lupapiste service.

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Public notices by the building inspection authority

The lists of public notices are publicly available in electronic format at

Public notices by the building inspection authority>>