Youth facilities

Youth work mainly takes place at the Hetta youth centre, at the municipality's schools, and regularly also online in the Discord service in connection with digital gaming.

There is a youth centre in Hetta, Enontekiö. The youth centre is aimed at young people aged 10–25. The youth centre has activities between Tuesday and Friday. The purpose is to provide young people with fun, shared leisure activities and a place where they can get together. At the youth centre, you can hang out, chat, play games, and meet safe adults. The youth centre also offers an online gaming room.

Contact information

Saukkonen, Miika

Enontekiön virastotalo

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Syväjärvi, Mari

Enontekiön virastotalo
Hetan peruskoulu ja Enontekiön Erälukio
Kaaresuvannon koulu
Kilpisjärven koulu

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